Official Release: October 5, 2018
12 Track Album
¡Hola Amigos! In the past few years, I’ve been reflecting on the word “alegría”. I’ve used it many times in my life, but it’s only recently that I started to discover its true meaning. Alegría literally translates as joy, or happiness, but it’s so much more than that. In some parts of Latin America it is often used to cheer someone up. We say “¡Alegría!” to remind each other that there is something to be happy about. I find this so beautiful.
These days it feels more important than ever to find reasons to be happy and stay grateful, so I started thinking about the things that bring me joy and tried to capture them in these songs. From the thought of my mom holding me for the very first time, to the fragile yet strong migrating butterflies that travel every year, to the thrill of making songs for children, to wild flowers, jumping bunnies, rattling maracas, and that sweet yellow hummingbird I once met on top of a mountain.
I want to dedicate this album to all the children who have inspired me with their joy over the years, but especially to those who are struggling to find a reason to smile. May these songs bring you and your families that warm place in your heart where you can find “alegría” to sing and dance!
with love, Sonia
¡Alegría! CD - Physical
Includes booklet with lyrics and original artwork by Teresa Martínez.
Featuring special guests: Dan Zanes, Claudia Eliaza, Elizabeth Mitchell, Caridad De La Luz a.k.a. La Bruja, Caty Fink, Marcy Marxer, Edmar Castañeda, Samuel Torres and Nilko Andreas Guarín.