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¡Buenas Noticias!

I began recording my first family music solo album. I am thrilled to be collaborating with musician friends from near and far, dig into our traditions, and have the best time making music together!

The last few years touring with Dan Zanes And Friends playing music for all ages have inspired me immensely. I have made friends from all over the world and learned about their music. And although I am pretty far from home, this has motivated me to learn more about my own culture and traditions so that I can share them through my music. So, I thought, how about recording these songs?

The result: Mi Viaje: “De Nuevo León to the New York Island”. It is a journey from the South to the North; a collection of songs that reflect the colors, rhythms, and sounds of the Americas.

Making all of this happen was much easier with a little help of my friends. When Bernardo Palombo from El Taller Latino Americano and my producer friend Rob Friedman offered their help to produce my album, I knew this was the right time to do it!

I am so proud of the work we’ve done so far and very excited about the future. Thank you so much to all of you who have offered your help and shared your talent with me. I am so grateful to call you friends.

¡Muchas gracias!

- Sonia

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