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Where can you find hope? I find it in many places; watching the sun rise every day, seeing people helping one another, listening to the birds from my window, and dreaming of a brighter tomorrow. Let’s sing together!


Que no se pierda la esperanza
Let’s never ever lose our hope
Que no se pierda la esperanza
Let’s never ever lose our hope

Hoy me desperté queriendo soñar
Hoy me desperté queriendo soñar
Porque cuando sueño veo 
El futuro que vendrá
Porque cuando sueño veo 
El futuro que vendrá

Que no se pierda la esperanza...

People come together in the hardest times
People come together in the hardest times Everywhere around me 
I see heroes going by
Everywhere around me 
I see heroes going by

Que no se pierda la esperanza...

Hoy me desperté queriendo cantar
Hoy me desperté queriendo cantar
Porque cuando canto puedo 
Este dia iluminar
Porque cuando canto puedo 
Este dia iluminar

Que no se pierda la esperanza...

People come together 
Even when they are far
People come together 
Even when they are far
I see love and I see kindness 
And I know they’re gonna last
I see love and I see kindness 
And I know they’re gonna last

Que no se pierda la esperanza...

English rough translation:

Let’s never lose our hope

Let’s never lose our hope

I woke up today wanting to dream
I woke up today wanting to dream
Because when I dream,
I see the future that is coming
Because when I dream, ​
I see the future that is coming

Let’s never lose our hope

Let’s never lose our hope


I woke up today wanting to sing
I woke up today wanting to sing
Because when I sing
I can brighten up this day
Because when I sing ​
I can brighten up this day

Let’s never lose our hope

Let’s never lose our hope

Logan J. Alarcón-Poucel, Zamir Castañeda, Zeudi Castañeda, Renee Goust, Alea Jiménez, Kamilo Kratc - vocals
Hilary Hawke - banjo  
Elena Moon Park - violin, vocals
Ben Stapp - tuba  
Martín Vejarano - drums
Sonia De Los Santos - electric guitar, lead vocals

By Sonia De Los Santos; De Los Santos Music ASCAP

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Artwork by Rafael Lopez and Teresa Martínez


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